Senator Bob Archuleta presented a Certificate of Recognition to the Board.

Our Fiesta banner listing our Sponsors.

Diamond sponsors Mary and Tom Stangl.

Diamond Sponsor Sunnie Hughes with Grocery Outlet La Habra pictured with Carmen Miller. The bottles of Comisario tequila were all donated by Ray O Fernandez.

Executive Director Carmen Miller and board member Yolanda Plascencia.

Vice President Amy Perez who brought all the decorations for the event with Carmen Miller and Pam McVicar.

Board member Gil Saenz who brought the Snoop Dog for the live auction with Amy Perez.

Sponsors Nadine and Kerry Ufholtz with long time volunteers Jenny Deich and husband Mike Newsom.

Sponsors Sandra and Abdon Quijano from Autopedic.

Esther and Ray Fernandez, Platinum sponsors and long time supporters.

Sponsors Wanda and Oscar Valenzuela

Jason Cecil of HBIC and his lovely wife attended.

Snoop Dog, a live auction item that helped raise money for a worthwhile cause.

Realtors and long time supporters, Pam and Chris Kennedy with Chris's husband Ted Koerner.

There were a wide variety and many raffle prizes to be won.

There were many silent auction items to bid on.

Trio Tepeyac provided the great music for the evening.

Thank you Clarissa Serpas from SoCalGas for attending our event and being a Platinum Sponsor.

Sponsor Therese LeMieux with friend Lisa Wood.

Amy Perez with her sister, Platinum Sponsor Lynn McVean owner of Mammoth Electric, and Janice Ramsey.

The Senator with our beautiful Folkloric dancers from Corona Dance Studio.

VP Amy Perez with husband Tony, nephew Joseph and nieces Caroline and Elizabeth Reynoso. They did check in and sold lots of raffle tickets.

Kimberly & Kylan Quarress at his first fundraiser.

National Charity League of
Whittier represented by Melanie Bakken the proud winner of many silent auction items.

Rachel & Bill Sedillo at our beautiful photo op station.

Supporters Ann & Mike Quarress from Huntington Beach.

Sponsor Larry Spooner with Venessa Perkins and friends.

MOW Treasurer Pam McVicar with husband Mike Higgins.

Volunteers Hailey Uffholtz, Christian Penuelas and Magali Plascencia manned the busy bar giving out tasty margaritas made with Comisario Premium tequila.

Barbara & Dan Hughes, La Habra Heights residents enjoying the Fiesta.

Ray Fernandez had the winning live auction bid for Snoop Dog. Pictured here with Chris Moreno.

Sponsors and Heights residents Sondra & John Heine.

Casa Adelita catered the Fiesta with delicious Mexican food.

Art Sanchez with Our Lady of Guadalupe Church with his wife Connie.

Two of our volunteers, Scott and Jacob Labry with their uncle Bill.